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The Ultimate Guide to Office Ergonomics.

People spend an average of 30% of their day sitting at their desk, which is why it’s important to make sure you’re not doing it wrong. Sitting at a desk and working on your computer might seem like an easy enough task, but the majority of people are not maximizing their Office Ergonomics, which can lead to some health complications down the line. Keep reading to discover our Ultimate Guide to Office Ergonomics.

The Perfect Chair

Your chair is your throne, and needs to be perfectly adjusted for you. The first thing you’ll want to make sure is that the height is adjustable, as well as the arm-rests and backrest. This is crucial, because if you can’t adjust these, your chair isn’t going to be ergonomic.
The next thing you’ll want to look out for is lumbar support. In a nutshell, this is when your chair has an indentation that accounts for the curvature of your spine, and prevents you from slouching over.
Your chair positioning shouldn’t be too far away from your desk that your shoulder’s are rotated, but shouldn’t be too close that your stomach and chest are touching it.

Desk Height

When it comes to desk height, this should also be adjustable to maximize your ergonomics. Your chair should slide in under your desk comfortably without touching the desk, your feet planted firmly on the ground, knees bent at 90 degrees. Your elbows should also be at a 90-degree bend on your arm rests.


Your workspace needs to have the perfect flow. This means everything you need is within arms reach while you’re seated, to prevent yourself from having to stand up every couple of minutes.
This can only be achieved by analyzing how you work, and what you need to complete your work.

Monitor Screen

Your monitor screen should be roughly one arm’s length away from your body, and shouldn’t be too bright, as this can strain your eyes after long periods of time. People often use two or even three monitors, so these should all be the same size and distance away from you. For height, the top of your monitor should be in line with your eyes.


Lighting can instantly change how your cubicle looks and feels, but can also be a tricky to get perfect.
To start off, lighting shouldn’t be too bright, and shouldn’t be directed into your eyes.
A small lamp should be a great addition to your cubicle, and if you have shelves, installing some overhead lighting can have a great modern feel. You should also try and utilize natural lighting as much as possible, as this will have a positive impact on your health.


To make your workspace even more comfortable, you need to de-stress your environment. This can be done by simply decorating your cubicle, to add warmth and personality to the space. Getting pictures of your family or friends, or getting a plant or desk ornament are great starting steps forward.

If we break up these elements of ergonomics, the trend is that everything needs to be suited to each individual. Avoiding long-term back pain should be a priority for those of us who have to work behind a desk.
Fast Cubes keeps this in mind when designing our cubicles and offers other services like floor planning. Contact us to today to get started with the most comfortable workspace you’ve ever had!

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