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The Ultimate Guide to Office Plants: Part Two

If you read our previous blog post on office plants, you already know how beneficial they can be for your productivity, mood, and health. But if you’re looking for some fresh ideas and inspiration, you’re in luck. In this post, we’ll introduce you to 10 of the best office plants for 2023, based on the latest trends and research. Whether you need a low-maintenance plant for your cubicle, a stunning centerpiece for your reception area, or a natural air purifier for your conference room, we have you covered. Here are the 10 office plants you need to know in 2023:

Whale Fin Sansevieria:

This succulent has a striking shape that resembles a whale’s fin. It can tolerate low and indirect light, making it ideal for offices with limited windows. It also helps clean the air by removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene. Just be careful not to overwater it, as it prefers dry soil.

Baltic Blue Pothos:

This plant has glossy leaves that change color from deep green to teal blue as they mature. It also has an interesting leaf shape that develops natural holes over time. This plant is easy to care for, as it can adapt to various light and water conditions. It also has a trailing habit that can soften the edges of your desk or shelf.

Prickly Pear Cactus:

If you want a plant that can handle direct light and heat, look no further than the prickly pear cactus. This plant has flat, paddle-shaped stems that are covered with sharp spines. It can grow up to three feet tall, making it a great focal point for your office. It also requires very little water and fertilizer, so you don’t have to worry about it too much.

Money Tree:

This plant is said to bring good luck and fortune to its owners, which is always welcome in the workplace. It has a braided trunk and glossy, palm-like leaves that can grow up to six feet tall. It thrives in medium to bright light and moist soil, but it can also tolerate low light and drought. It also helps purify the air by removing pollutants like formaldehyde and xylene.

English Ivy:

This plant is a classic choice for offices, as it can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space. It has dark green, lobed leaves that can trail or climb, depending on how you train it. It prefers medium to bright light and moist soil, but it can also survive in low light and dry soil. It also helps reduce airborne mold and bacteria, which can improve your respiratory health.

African Violet:

This plant is one of the few flowering plants that can bloom indoors, adding a splash of color and charm to your office. It has fuzzy, oval-shaped leaves and delicate flowers that come in various shades of purple, pink, and white. It likes bright, indirect light and moist soil, but it can also tolerate low light and drought. It also benefits from regular fertilizing and pruning, which can encourage more blooms.

Rubber Plant:

This plant is a popular choice for offices, as it has large, glossy, green leaves that can add some drama to your space. It can grow up to 10 feet tall, making it a statement piece for your office. It likes bright, indirect light and moist soil, but it can also survive in low light and dry soil. It also helps remove toxins like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air.

Spider Plant:

This plant is a fun and easy choice for offices, as it has long, thin, striped leaves that can produce baby plants at the tips. It can grow up to two feet tall, making it a versatile plant for your desk or hanging basket. It likes bright, indirect light and moist soil, but it can also tolerate low light and drought. It also helps filter the air by removing formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.


This plant is a fun and easy choice for offices, as it has long, thin, striped leaves that can produce baby plants at the tips. It can grow up to two feet tall, making it a versatile plant for your desk or hanging basket. It likes bright, indirect light and moist soil, but it can also tolerate low light and drought. It also helps filter the air by removing formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.

Aloe Vera:

This plant is a useful and medicinal choice for offices, as it has fleshy, green leaves that can heal wounds and burns. It can grow up to two feet tall, making it a handy plant for your desk or shelf. It likes bright, indirect light and dry soil, but it can also survive in low light and drought. It also helps improve the air quality by removing formaldehyde and benzene.

These are just some of the amazing office plants that you can choose from in 2023. Whether you want to boost your mood, improve your air quality, or simply add some beauty to your space, there’s a plant for you.

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